Good books for teaching grammar

Unfortunately I have not been able to find lots of good books that follow the communicative-cognitive approach for  teaching grammar. Most grammar books follow the traditional structural approach and mix different notions in their exercises and confuse learners rather than helping them to understand a new notion.

The following books contain  materials and activities that can be used to teach and practice English grammar notions efficiently. In order to select appropriate activities for your learners always check critically whether they focus on the notion you want to teach. Check the efficiency of the activities using the “grammar quick checker


The best and most helpful books:


  Newby-yellow      Newby-green 

Click on the images to find these books on


Useful exercises: Some of these books are quite old — but still very useful.



Visual Grammar, Timesaver Series, Fletcher & Munns


Grammar Activities, Timesaver Series

Elementary Grammar Games, Jill Hadfield

Active Grammar , Fiona Davis et al.

Grammar in Action, Frank & Rinvolucri

From Rules to Reasons, Danny Norrington-Davies





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