free e-books for kids









During the Corona lockdown I found it difficult to supply my learners with good reading matter. Luckily, I came across a wonderful source of free e-books on the Oxford  Owl website.

There, teachers can create free accounts for their classes and kids get acces to a very nice collection of free e-books. The books are grouped according to age and reading levels and each book is accompanied by an audio file.

My learners love the site and have found many cool stories there.

  • They choose a story and read it,
  • design a nice page in their reading diaries and then
  • have a book chat with me, where we discuss
    • what they have read,
    • how they like the  different characters,
    • how they would have reacted in similar situations, 
    • whether they have ever been in a similar situation …

Here I am sharing instructions for signing up and creating class accounts.

I have also created basic instructions for  the kids that show them how to find the e-books.