Developing intercultural awareness and understanding
On these pages you will find several projects that aim at developing the learners’ intercultural awareness and understanding.
The main teaching goals of these projects were:
- to develop learners’ curiosity about new cultures and experiences
- to raise the learners’ awareness of cultural aspects of their everyday lives
- to challenge the learners’ attitudes including preconceived notions and stereotypes
- to develop learners’ understanding of the various layers of “culture” (surface culture, deep culture) and their influence on human behavior (universal / cultural / personal dimensions of human behavior)
- to improve the learners’ reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in English (L2)
Project 1:
Eric’s Transcultural Experiences
In this project students meet an extraterrestial exchange student and learn to see the world though his eyes. The project prepares learners for an exchange trip abroad.
For details, go to the project page.
Project 2:
Unsere Wurzeln — Unsere Schätze
In this project the students explored their roots and family cultures and produced digital stories about an important family “treasure”. In a final project presentation the students shared their digital stories and presented their treasures to classmates, parents and teachers.
To find out more about this project, go to the project page.
Project 3: Travelling across Europe
In this project the students produced a boardgame where the players travel across Europe. In order to travel, they must pick up “tickets” containing QR-codes that supply them with info-videos and texts. All the info-texts and info-videos have been produced by the learners. In this game the learners present our everyday culture, school life and their favorite places in town to each other and to international students in an Erasmus project.
For details about this game go to the project page.